CARIS Families

Supporting London families through - and beyond - homelessness

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Who We Are

CARIS Families is a London-based charity supporting families at the sharp end of the housing crisis. We exist to minimise the adverse impacts of temporary accommodation on children by improving their experiences while they’re living in hostels, by supporting their families to move into settled accommodation as soon as possible and by joining calls for reform to temporary accommodation legislation.

Our vision is of a society that provides decent housing for everyone, recognising that a settled home is as fundamental to children’s life chances as access to healthcare and education.

Our Programmes

services for children

Play, learning and outward bound activities for children living in hostels in the London Boroughs of Camden and Hackney to improve their access to opportunity and their wellbeing

family support and housing advocacy

Casework for parents and carers in our hostels to help families move out of homelessness

solidarity and campaigns

Highlighting the traumatic impacts of hostel life on families and calling for reform to the temporary accommodation sector